The project “FIE20: Groundwater and meteo sensors” of the international consortium Latvian-Czech-Swiss team has been selected to the Champion projects in the WSIS Prizes 2021 contest organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The category Champions projects contains 90 selected projects from a total of 1270 proposals. Each category contains 5 projects with the most amount of votes from the audience. The Expert Group will select the WSIS Prize 2021 Winners from these TOP 5 projects in each category. We would like to thank for all the support and all the casted votes that number reached almost 2500 votes.
We are really pleased that our application (https://groundwater.smartagro.lv/fie/index.html?lang=en) developed during the last 2 years as one of the Flagship Innovation Experiments (FIE) of the Horizon2020 SmartAgriHubs (SAH) project reached such a level of the contest. We believe this achievement will bring more attention to the solution that integrates different kinds of data into one web map application that can be utilized by farmers, agronomists or advisory companies in agriculture.
We would like to invite you to the WSIS Prizes 2021 Champions Ceremony held virtually on Wednesday, 19 May, at 12:00-14:00 CEST where our FIE20 project will be highlighted together with all Champions. You can join using the following link: https://itu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_aw8hQ7tWSGKeYr8PHB0m_g
The application was developed as one of the Flagship Innovation Experiments (FIE) of the Horizon2020 SmartAgriHubs (SAH) project.